Welcome to Womanhood: Masani Baily

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Masani Baily

I heard a quote a while ago that said, “the only constant thing about life is change.” Growing into my passion I have realized this. As an elementary school student I learned to play my first musical instrument, the trumpet. From there I learned to play piano, drums, guitar, viola, and most recently violin. As a child I knew music would always be a part of my life. Overtime I have seen my love for music mold into a love for other things like journalism and multimedia. My passion in these things have guided me into adulthood. In the past, I looked at music as a hobby or an extra curricular activity. Now as an adult I see it as a path that can guide my career choices.

As I transition into adulthood I am learning how important it is to have balance in your career. As an African American woman, I am learning that the economics of one’s industry is important but does not determine how much one can earn. I am learning that financial literacy is as important as staying abreast to recent happenings in one’s creative field. Before I entered adulthood I perceived those things working itself out on it’s own. Now I am realizing that all parts of my life are important and vital in my journey to success.

As a girl leaving adolescence and approaching adulthood, the most important thing I have learned is to never stop seeking knowledge. Whether it’s knowledge on finances, fitness, the arts, or simply how things work. I have learned that my quest for knowledge is what will guide me to a happy career in music and entertainment and will help me gracefully adjust to all things that come with becoming an self sufficient woman.

Masani Bailey is a public relations practitioner and content creator with a love for music. She is a recent graduate who currently writes for TheSource.com. In her spare time she enjoys playing tennis and viola.

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