I co-facilitated a workshop in Zambia this week with twenty refugee children.
The moment I saw their internal spark come alive was during the digital storytelling session that I was leading on.
The objective of the session was to teach the power of storytelling to influence positive change in their communities.
It was really wonderful to watch their creativity thrive, as they tackled their projects.
I wanted to write about this on the blog because I too am a creative at heart.
For the last ten years of my career I have been allowed to demonstrate this through copy writing, photography, graphic design and video editing.
I have been paid to do the very things that delighted me as a child; tell stories and make things!
I have made a professional career doing the very things that I thought would remain hobbies for the rest of my life!
And some how over the last four years, there have been opportunities to teach children and young people to nurture these same skills that I thought were worthless when I was a mere naïve teenage! (Dear creative community, forgive me for my thoughts I was young🙈)
I am grateful.
I've worked hard.
I've found joy.
Ultimately, God put me in those spaces.
God showed me that this was possible.
I am now moving to another country to do the same....to be creative...how!?
I am so grateful.
Thank you God for showing me that my existence and purpose is relevant.
Thank You for showing me my place in this large and interesting world.
Sometimes I forget but You never miss an opportunity to remind me.
"The object isn't to make art, it's to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable." - Robert Henri
Watch The Little Nyonya 2020 remake - Screaming at the screen Questions, Questions and more Questions...
Tuesday, 24 January 2023

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