Making: Juices! Juicing! Juicer!
Cucumber plus carrot plus ginger plus apples
plus lemon equals healthy living during a pandemic.
I have already written about my burnout-cure here.
When I say 'my' I mean it worked for me.
I don't like eating vegetables and fruits
so JUICING is my new GO TO.
And guess what?
I am making it my self!
I know...whaaaat!?
Thanks to a juicer donation from a bestie,
I am not sure who this new me is...
Drinking: Soy Milk. And my stomach says thank you.
Reading: The Ickabog by J.K. Rowling. Being a fan of Harry Potter
from childhood, I could NOT miss out on reading this even if
I am above the target audience lol...
Playing: Not playing
I need to find a game for fun.
Wishing: I really missed my friends during lockdown.
I have been waiting and wishing for that part of
my life to return. But so many adjustments will be made.
I spend too much unnecessary money.
Spending well and Saving Saving for the rest of 2020
We must have side incomes in 2021,
In Jesus' name Amen!
Enjoying: My new daily routine developed during full lockdown.
All the vegetables and fruits I eat,
and the 30 minute home workouts are
surprisingly fun and good for my mental and physical health.
Again....I don't know who this new me is but...
She takes two hour walks with my Bestie once a week
which is really a therapy session in disguise.
Also NOT commuting to and from work,
and working from home is mostly nice;
because Traffic with this 7.00 pm curfew is NUTS.
Writing: I have slowly started writing on this blog again.
There are many drafts tucked away
that I need to bring to fruition.
Slowly but surely!
It was encouraging to see one of my childhood friends
describe this space as 'insightful & awesome'
I just felt so appreciated
for creating and maintaining this blogging nook.
* insert happy tears*
Loving: Having my little home.
It has triggered
my own organizing cleaning schedule.
And really helped with my anxiety.
It was time.
Eating: Pork, Roast Chicken bought in my neighborhood,
and UgaRoll chapatis.....yummy!
A restaurant that has surprised me is the Olives Restaurant...
their Thai Coconut Chicken Soup and Chicken
Methi Palak with butter naan is on point!
I am still a foodie even in the Lockdown.
Needing: To be okay with fighting for myself.
Setting boundaries and sticking to them
Guidance. Wisdom. Praying for them.
Patiently waiting for them to come.
Wearing: Invested in gym clothes.
'Invested' not 'bought' because I will use them every day.
I wanted to stop using whatever clothing
I found in my cupboard that's not worn in public anymore,
and motivate myself.
Acquired 5kg weights as well, all of it from from @donealthletics,
This exercise routine must go to 2021 and 2022!
In Jesus' name amen.
Knowing: I have Martyr syndrome in my relationships.
I am learning not to sacrifice myself,
really benefiting from @themindgeek posts on Instagram
about attachments styles
Thinking: How useful making time for Headspace sessions is.
Making time to quiet the mind is important.
Even switching of your lights at night and
just sitting in silence is good for the soul.
There is too much going on sometimes.
Clearing physical and mental clutter is a must!
Giggling Over: 90 day fiance. That show is just reality gold!
All in the pursuit of love for some and 'love' for others.
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