Taking Stock - Happy Birthday to Me - 2021

Monday 12 April 2021


Making: Time. I am constantly struggling with time for all the things, people and tasks that I need to give attention to.  Due to grief, my prioritization skills are seriously lacking right now.  I suspect the end of last year brought on another bout of undiagnosed  burnout. I have learnt that grief generally disorganizes me for two years at most. I think we need to discuss grief with all the spectrum of emotions that it comes with, it is not just deep sorrow or drowning sadness. It can include a cold numbness, raging anger, forgetfulness, depression, anxiety and hopeful denial. My gut tells me it must vary from person to person depending on what type of relationship the deceased left them with. Overwhelmed, is the one experience 2020 came heavy with, and followed me right into 2021. My leave has allowed my mind to start clearing A LOT of  mental clutter. I can now safely and successfully work on time management, renewing boundaries and getting my priorities straight in all areas of life. 

Drinking: Water. One litre of water every morning after breakfast. 

Reading: Honestly, I have gone off reading right now. I have several new good books around me but I am not interested. For the next taking stock I might be back to my bookworm ways but for now we are on hiatus...

Playing:  The Royal Family Dance Crew and Paris Goebel  fascinates me. At such a young age she was choreographing dance moves for Justin Bieber, Ciara, Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna and  Janet Jackson. It got me thinking about all our favorite music videos and live performances...Do we know and appreciate the people who put in the work to create the fun and entertaining experience we all enjoy? I don't think so.... She is a star! 

Wishing:  No wishes for now.

Enjoying:  Lovecraft Country, The Rebel Princess, The Sword and the Brocade and Sunshine of my Life. I think I shall write about some of them on the blog... watch this space. 

Writing: Blog posts , a fellowship application and about to start that journaling exercise I wanted to get to. 

Loving:  Fake nails by Elegant Touch. The patterns are so cool and it only takes away 15 minutes of your life.  

Eating: Am I eating anything interesting? No.... just the usual... I am cooking up a storm, not quite so sure how that happened ... the pandemic has really changed things...lol....currently meal planning for the fish defrosting in the kitchen. 

Needing: I just took leave for 7 days. I did nothing, except sleep, eat and watch You Tube.  My brain needed to reset, I was losing my grip on things as I mentioned earlier. I feel re-energized and ready to start again. So that was the one thing I was needing. 

Wearing: Sunscreen. I wear this one. It glides onto my body and leaves no white or greyish tint.   I don't strictly re-apply every two hours but I have joined the protect your skin bandwagon!  Apparently the ingredients of sunscreens and whether they actually do what they do is a great debate....Interested? Watch these videos by Hyram, Dr Alexis Stephens and  Lab Muffin Beauty Science to learn more. 

Knowing: That I need to improve my overall fitness... I am committed to five days out of the week now. I  am trying out  beginner abs, upper body, arms and leg workouts with Madfit and various other channels for one hour.... Update on the blog about this coming soon. 

Thinking:  Trying not to allow my mind to get the best of me by going off on the anxiety- inspired- thought-fueled -tangent train. Ten minute wind down yoga sessions with Adrienne are a REAL blessing! Please do try them. 

Giggling Over:  Hello Mr Gu. I like the style of the this drama, I have found myself laughing out loud in the middle of the night many times. 

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