Watch Move To Heaven - A Healing #Kdrama for the Christmas Season

Monday 19 December 2022


December has never been my month, whether its grief or the end of year blues I am not fan.

I watched Move To Heaven at the right time; an original Netflix series, starring Lee Je-hoon, Tang Jun-sang, Ji Jin-hee, Lee Jae-wook, and Hong Seung-heeIt was inspired by the essay "Things Left Behind" by Kim Sae-byul, a former "trauma cleaner".

Here's what I liked 

Each Episode Had Its Own Story. 

Each story either highlighted an issue or taught us a lesson. For example the children taken from South Korea as adoptees but when reaching the USA became stateless because of irresponsible caregivers; the loving couple who decide to leave the world at the same time; and the mother neglected  by her son and his money hungry wife.

Gen-ru's commitment to ensuring every client's belongings are delivered to the correct individual just warmed my heart. 

From Episode One We Connect

In the first episode we connect easily with the characters Gen-ru and his father Jeong-woo and their lifestyle. We understand that they have to live by a strict routine because of Gen-ru's autism. We understand that they have great respect for their cleaning work. 

It's all so endearing; that's why when Jeong-Woo dies we immediately know what this means for Gen-ru. 

I finished watching Extraordinary Attorney Woo before this drama, however I feel like Gen-ru's character was the inspiration for Woo-young Woo. Especially if you note the same connection with the sea creatures. It seems the writers and producers now understood how to develop this kind of story with less tragedy. Do you agree? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Facing One's Demons 

At first I thought it was only Sang-gu overcoming his dark past and choices but Gen-ru also has to learn to accept that his father is dead and become accustomed to his new family. I mean.... it was obvious that Sang-gu had issues but it was comforting for me to watch his character work through them and eventually make better choices for himself. The healing effect of #kdramas, good can happen.

I totally recommend it if you are in need of a drama that makes you cry good healing tears....a great outlet for the #DecemberBlues. 

You can watch it on Netflix here

Do you know of another healing #kdrama series? Share in comments below.

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